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How Is Wisdom Tooth Removal Performed?

Writer: urbndentaltxurbndentaltx

Wisdom teeth can cause various dental issues, including overcrowding and impaction of the existing teeth. When a wisdom tooth emerges at an angle, it pushes into the gum or the tooth next to it, which causes tooth impaction. Houston cosmetic dentist disclosed that toothinfections develop from teeth that cause pain, trouble biting, and bad breath.

The Wisdom tooth extraction surgery is outpatient treatment by a dentist or oral surgeon. Consider an examination, and X-rays suggest that your wisdom teeth are impacted or may create dental difficulties in the future. In that case, your dentist will propose this procedure. In this article, we have mentioned almost every productive information related to wisdom teeth removal Houston, which might be a help in future treatment.

What are the signs of wisdom teeth removal?

The best cosmetic dentist Houston has shown some signs of wisdom teeth removal below, such as:

  • Jaw Pain and Discomfort

  • Red and Swollen Gums

  • Crowded Feeling in the Mouth

  • Facial Swelling

  • Bad Breath

  • Difficulty Opening Your Mouth or Eating

Suppose you are someone suffering from such signs in wisdom teeth. In that case, you should immediately search on the internet for urgent care dentist in Houston.

What is the procedure of wisdom tooth removal?

We have mentioned step by step procedures of wisdom tooth removal for your understanding before treatment, such as:

1. Sedation:

If you are receiving nitrous oxide (laughing gas), your dentist will put a small mask over your nose to inhale the sedative. Sedation will allow you to be awake but remain relaxed. If your emergency dentist Houston has chosen intravenous (IV) sedation for you. Then the assistant will place a needle in the vein in your arm to administer a sedative throughout the surgery. It is considered the most comfortable option since you drift in and out of consciousness and are unlikely to remember the procedure afterward.

2. Numbing:

After getting sedation by your dental surgeon, your surgeon will begin using a local anesthetic to numb the wisdom teeth and surrounding tissues.

3. Tissue removal:

It is crucial to reach the wisdom tooth roots. Your dentist and surgeon first remove any gum tissue blocking the area of wisdom tooth roots.

4. Bone removal:

Some patients may have wrongly erupted wisdom teeth which means the tooth still lies primarily within the jawbone. If this is the case, the bone protecting the tooth is drilled through and removed using a high-speed handpiece.

5. Loosening and sectioning of the tooth:

When the dentist can see the impacted wisdom teeth, they will use various surgical equipment to carefully free them from any connective tissue in the tooth's socket. The surgeon may split the tooth into parts to make tooth removal more effortless.

6. Tooth removal:

Your dental surgeon will remove the wisdom tooth after sectioning the area. Your surgeon will use specially designed surgical instruments to remove the wisdom tooth to remove tooth.

7. Stitches:

The affordable dentist near me uses stitches to seal the wound after wisdom tooth extraction. Occasionally, it is essential after the impacted wisdom teeth are removable, or the healthcare provider believes the patient will heal better with stitches.

How long is recovery from wisdom teeth removal?

After the wisdom teeth removal, you should avoid physical activities for almost four days. However, the recovery period of wisdom teeth can increase to about a week if you are suffering from an impacted wisdom tooth. You may have discomfort or pain three to one week after wisdom teeth extraction.


We hope you liked this article, and it was pretty informative for you in knowing about wisdom tooth removal. If you are someone searching for a dentist for a dental implant Houston, please visit our website as we have the best dental care specialists.


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